Trapped in the pandemic
with this brutal crisis,
I wanted to learn about finance,
but it turned out to be fatal.

A lady called me
with the name of Melody,
Melody said her name was
and at my mercy, she would be
to give me the lessons
that a great expert would make me.

She told me she was from AVATRADE,
a very famous company
in financial matters,
which on the internet it is strong.

An angel seemed to me
listening to all my problems
and offering to change
for joys my sorrows.

She offered me big profits
in a professional key,
without suspecting that it was
the cave of Alibaba.

She robbed me everything
with clever tricks
and my money ended up
in a bank in Slovakia.

I lost my family
by this vile scammer,
sunk in great depression
and without money

Little by little I discovered
that there was a connection
between the legal company
with which she cheated on me
and another of stick and cap
that my money caught.

Today I find myself struggling
with hundreds of colleagues,
just like me, defrauded
who have lost their money.

It is already known in the banks
and also the police,
it would be best if you learned it,
since you see this poem,
so that this sad story
never, ever repeat.

The thieves, to the jail,
the ordinary people, quiet
and not like I did,
that I almost lost my life.

Raquel Gómez Soto and FGG

Por Raquel Soto y Fco. Gómez


Francisco Gómez González, webmaster de esta plataforma. A partir del 12 de febrero de 2021 me podréis ver en todas las televisiones del mundo mostrando estas pruebas y muchas otras para que se prohiba que AVATRADE opere en el mundo y sus responsables se pudran en la cárcel. Avatrade me dice que ellos no me han robado que me han robado sus socios pero no los identifican, ni los denuncian a la policia, LUEGO AVATRADE ES CÓMPLICE
Francisco gómez (estafado y robado por agentes de avatrade)
Funcionario civil del reino de España


AvaTrade calls itself the most secure broker in the entire industry. It offers a wide range of leading platforms, assets, and trading conditions for new and professional traders. It is false.

AvaTrade expanded with great values and vision. The broker follows a customer-first approach and ensures transparency and integrity. It is false.

Furthermore, AvaTrade aims to empower people, so they can trade and invest with confidence. With easy-to-use features and a hassle-free signing up process, the brokerage company ensures that every trader on the platform experiences a smooth trading process. It is false.

To sum it up, AvaTrade is robbery and scam.

However, regardless of its apparent good features, people still ask, is AvaTrade legit?” Moreover, they are also concerned about its safety.

If you have these queries in your mind, too, this discourse will help you find answers pretty easily. So, dig in to explore.


Forex is by far the largest financial market in the world, with over $6 trillion traded daily globally. That staggering figure, coupled with the magic of leverage, always means that there is immense opportunity to make profits in the Forex market, even though this comes with a lot of risks as well.

Technology has literally democratised the Forex market, and there are almost no barriers to entry in the retail scene.

Forex trading requires a great deal of knowledge, skill and experience; but because anyone can start trading in an instant, vulnerable people are attracted to the opportunity without due consideration to the inherent risk. Because Forex is a massive goldmine, unethical businesses attempt to attract unsuspecting customers with promises of making big money round the clock. They portray Forex trading and the ability to profit as something quick and easy.

As long as the lucrative Forex market exists, Forex scams will always exist. It is therefore prudent for investors to be able to identify and avoid Forex scams in the various forms they come in.

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